Jackson Katz, Ph.D. consults across the United States and around the world in the business sector with special focus on:
- Workplace sexual harassment training that goes beyond formal recitations of policy and legal ramifications in a way that engages all genders in interactive dialogue about co-creating healthy and productive work environments.
- Leadership training for senior executives and managers that highlights men’s increasing role in promoting gender equity in senior management.
- Leadership training at all levels of management that addresses gender equality promotion and sexual harassment/gender violence prevention in and outside the workplace environment.
- The creation and design of cause-marketing strategies and campaigns that target men and boys of all ethnic and racial backgrounds with gender equity and anti-violence messages.
- “Big room,” dynamic company-wide presentations.
Some of his current and past clients for focused training and/or speaking dates include:
- Association of Equipment Management Professionals (AEMP)
- BC Lions Football Club
- Blackrock Investments
- California Department of Health Services
- Cinemalogic
- Deutsche Bank
- Dunkin Brands
- Hewlett-Packard Corporation
- La-Z-Boy Corporation
- Live Nation
- The Liz Claiborne Company
- The Seattle Mariners
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Digital Equipment Corporation
- Futures Without Violence
- The Inter-American Development Bank
- The Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
- The Museum of Tolerance (Los Angeles)
- The Men’s Leadership Forum (San Diego)
- The Peace Corps
- The City of Santa Monica, CA
- The Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center
- The Waitt Family Foundation (Sioux City/San Diego)
- The World Bank
If you are interested in contacting Jackson about his consulting services, send an e-mail to: [email protected].

“Jackson Katz has developed a number of innovative strategies for inspiring men and boys to be allies with women and girls in the struggle against gender violence. His training with members of our statewide coalition was filled with practical suggestions for implementing these ideas in workplace and educational settings. His work deserves – and is getting – an even wider audience than it already has.”