The Macho Paradox
Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help
(Sourcebooks, 2006, 2019). Newly revised and updated hardcover version for the #MeToo era!
(Sourcebooks, 2006, 2019). Newly revised and updated hardcover version for the #MeToo era!
Man Enough?
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the Politics of Presidential Masculinity
(Interlink Books, 2016)
Winner of Foreword Reviews Indie Award, Bronze prize for political science books in 2016
(Interlink Books, 2016)
Winner of Foreword Reviews Indie Award, Bronze prize for political science books in 2016

“Men need to read The Macho Paradox. Not only because it will make the world safer for women, but because it will free men to be their true selves.”